
Here you can find answers to most frequently asked questions about software uninstallation process. Please consider that GetPortal does not have or install any software and only serves as distribution platform for software developers. Should you have any issues please refer to the appropriate documentation provided by the developers of the software in question.

I would like to change my browser’s homepage

If you want to change your browsers’ homepage, there are appropriate links below to help you do this.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9

Please follow the instructions set out here:

Microsoft Internet Explorer web 7 & 8

Please follow the instructions set out here:

Google Chrome

Please follow the instructions set out here:

Mozilla FireFox

Please follow the instructions set out here:

I would like to change my default search engine

If you prefer to change your default search engine for one of the following browsers, there are appropriate links below to help you do this.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

Please follow the instructions set out here:

Google Chrome

Please follow the instructions set out here:

In order to Disable the third-party extension on Chrome:

1. Enter Chrome's settings [top right of browser] and select 'Tools'. Then click on 'Extensions'.

2. Under the Extensions column, locate the name on the unwished extension and unmark the small checkbox to the right side of it.

3. It's disabled!

In order to Remove third-party extension from Chrome:

1. Enter Chrome's settings [top right of browser] and select 'Tools'. Then click on 'Extensions'.

2. Under the Extensions column, locate the name of the unwished extension and click on the small trash bin to the right side of it.

3. It's removed!

Mozilla FireFox

Please follow the instructions set out here:
For adjustments to your Location Bar search, please check the following link: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Keyword.URL

I would like to remove some third-party toolbar from my computer

Usually you can uninstall the toolbar through standard 'Add or Remove Programs' utility.

For other cases please refer to appropriate uninstall guide, provided by toolbar's developer.

Date of last revision October 14, 2014